Tuesday, April 27, 2010

We did it.

Thank you to all the volunteers, friends, family and students from Pratt and LaGuardia Community College who came out to help make NYCamo a 1,584 foot success!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Please join me in helping “camouflage” a dingy stretch of Queens Boulevard one third of a mile long.

Over a three day period, between 150-250 volunteers are needed to stencil and paint a design along a pedestrian walkway and bike lane at Queens Plaza 1,584 feet long.

The design, NYCamo, is a brightly colored camouflage pattern based on the shapes of the five boroughs of New York City. The commission was awarded by the NYC Department of Transportation Urban Art Program.


Stencil Day 1: April 22nd 10am-4pm

Stencil Day 2: April 23rd 10am-4pm

Paint Day: April 24th 9am-4pm

rain or shine


Queens Plaza Overpass

Queens Boulevard between Jackson & Skillman Avenues


G, R or V train to Queens Plaza


Niko Courtelis



Facebook: NYCamo